I hope your going to this amazing event in Portland,tommorrow night, in case you haven't heard, it is a must. I wish I could be there, but my jewelry will be featured by Narcisse! Thanks so much you guys! Here is a copy of the info from their website, www.shopnarcisse.typepad.com.

"We have been invited to help launch the grand opening of the very cool indigo @ twelve west apartment building in downtown Portland.
finally someone is putting us where we belong, on a 23 story high pedestal.
the party is being held in the indigo's very posh penthouse space. this building is sure to be the keystone in the bridge from the pearl to the west end. i think it is just what our little neighborhood needs. there will be retail and dining on the bottom floors and hundreds of gorgeous apartments with floor to ceiling windows above. we are so excited to watch this new phase of the west end bring the area full circle."--Narcisse
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