Holiday Trunkshow at Flutter
I had such a great time,flying back to Portland in early December for my first trunkshow at Flutter! Of course the shop was all decked out in sparkles, frills, feathers and bows for the holidays!
There were plenty of great smelling lotions and potions, as usual, like on of my favorite fragrance designers, shown here with this tiny glass doll.

There were tons of unique and interesting reading materials for everyone as well!

Toys for all ages, galore
All of the frills and feathers and sequins in Urchin's shop reminded me of being backstage in the Nutcracker dressing room, as a little girl.
Dawn Bush and Heidi Goldsmith of Narcisse, my dear friends were nice enough to stop by for a look around. 

My best "Paris" pose in front of the display of my work. 

Thanks and Happy Holidays to Everyone!