Fall 2009
By Brehan Todd

Hello again my friends,
How is everyone this week? Thank you so much for all of the excitement and enthusiasm about the hats! Several lovely articles and blogs mentioned my work for Flutter and I was thrilled. Jen Mcabe did a lovely article on Oregonlive.com, thank you so much! Here is the link,
I'm excited to announce a lovely shoot I had with Dave(my boyfriend and housemate) at our new house in California! I wanted to have some nice, interesting photos for a lookbook on my website, www.brehantodd.com (posted soon)! We shot this in my new and hardly set up yet, studio, which has amazing light and will be coming along quickly. Here is a little preview of some of the line.
Hand made from vintage buttons, materials and castoffs
Made from a vintage pocket watch, recycled wool, hand raised hen feather
This fall collection is something I'm really excited about and I hope is well received. These designs are a complete reflection of my life and what influences and inspires me as a designer. I've never felt more in transition in a way, but at the same time completely inspired. We were moving during production stages, so it was designed and constructed sort of half in Oregon, half in Santa Rosa. We've been feeling a lot of roller coaster emotions this past year as a country, not to mention overcoming hurdles personally and professionally. Through this process, always I find solace and passion in the work that I'm doing, no matter what else is going on in the background. I think it's so important, and I've really learned the value of that, for everyone to have a true passion that can provide comfort or escape and keep us well rounded in intense times.
Traveling Hands Timepiece necklace by Brehan Todd
hand made from vintage floating hands, pocket watch and vintage beads and charm
I have things in my life that influence me and my design constantly, like politics, what's going on in the world, art, music, architecture, things that are constantly evolving. Some of these things I latch onto are classic, images of swooping swallows, timepieces, Alice and Wonderland, vintage hardware, anything to do with an old carnival or circus vibe. I launched my spring 2009 line with a heavy circus theme and I still love that look but I think it's evolving into something more modern.
When times seems to stand still, as it did during the Bush administration, I found myself, holding my breath, thinking, "please do not blow up the world, please do not get elected again". I think now it's just starting to sink in that that part of history is over and there is potential now for change. I think this plays a role in why I find myself excited about design and art and music right now, more than last year. It's as if things were asleep for awhile, while we were waiting to feel ok again, and now there are some really interesting, innovative and exciting things happening in the art world as a whole. I'm thrilled to be whatever part of that I can be and to maintain a commitment to new ideas in sustainable design and supporting other designers with this as a mission, globally.
Show Pony Necklace
Acorn Choker by Brehan Todd
I do find myself to be an emotional person and moreso than my first collection, this shows that very personal side of me. The focus is still on color but more emphasized in the variations in color of the metal and working with what can be done with that, or combining as many different colored metals as I can, with other organic elements, such as the acorn. This is my representation of the beauty and density in organic and animal matter in the forests of Oregon and Northern California. What kind of colors come from that, or the way I feel excited every time I see a deer, even if I've seen a hundred already, the vast bird varieties, all around this region, even all the crazy fungus that piles up on a stump . Again, I've carried over an emphasis on birds and feathers, as a constant element, as well as a use of bold, saturated color, with varied texture. Some of the lines are harder, more architectural and organic, combined with feminine detail, as well as some elements of a Rock and Roll influence, mixed with traditional Equestrian culture. I don't know exactly where I got these ideas right now, except to say that I've met more horses in the last year (and boarded two) than ever before in my life? I find them fascinating and so beautiful, mysterious and simple. I suppose, it's fair to say I have always been influenced by the fashion associated with that culture as well?. The other great source of influence, now and always, is music. To me the real music right now that's coming out, that really means something after a sea of pop nonsense for so long, is very easily translated into a combination of old school tradition, with an almost dreamy and preppy idealism, mixed with old fashioned rock elements. I couldn't know less about or be more influenced by this other art of music that I can' seem to participate in, except to listen and know what I like. To me this combination of horses and studs, leather and lace have always complimented each other.
Birds of a Feather Cuff Links by Brehan Todd
Handmade from vintage materials available on etsy.com
Horse Meadow Choker handmade by Brehan Todd
available on etsy.com and soon at Flutter
Mad Hatter Rings by Brehan Todd
Made from vintage, pewter monopoly game pieces

Photographs by Brehan Todd